Tuesday 5 April 2011

Another lovely little bag completed...

It is such a lovely, satisfying feeling to complete a bag, especially when it's for someone else.
Will they like it? Is it the correct size? Will they be as pleased as I am with the little adaptations that I have made to improve it?
                             From this -

And then, less than a week later to this...
I just love adding the lining, seeing it take shape and finally the label...
And it doesn't stop there. As it is an order for someone, I like to make sure that it's wrapped in a way that I would want to receive it. So, a sumptious, deep red carrier is found and the bag carefully wrapped in sparkly tissue.  All ready to be delivered tomorrow... (I shall be quite sad to see it go!)

Saturday 2 April 2011

The making of a lovely new bag...

I have had a very busy week working on an order for a colleagues daughter. She had seen one of my bags on the website and wanted one that was slightly larger with longer handles. No problem, or so I thought, but it has proved to be quite a challenge!
Firstly, I couldn't remember where I had bought the wool from or even what type of wool it was... (Lesson One - Always write down everything!). Then I found a ball band hiding in the bottom of my knitting bag. What could be easier than ordering from the internet? Except that the wool was now discontinued!
I am not easily put off and after a lot of searching, found 5 balls in Orkney. Within two days I was happily knitting a tension square to pop into the washing machine to check for shrinkage in the felting process.
Pre-felting, the bag looked huge and the handles were quite long... Into the washing machine and twenty minutes later out it came looking just how it should be. 
Whilst the bag was drying, I knitted the flower for the front.
A lining was chosen and a zip purchsed, rather than a magnetic clip that was on the original, smaller bag.
The next step is to make the lining and put in the zip. My deadline is to have it completed by the end of the week. I shall keep you posted on the progress...